Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Self Elected Project: Communicating with Colour, Colour, Type, Emotion Experiments

The first image is a colour wheel of emotions, each colour on the wheel is an emotion in the colour I perceive it to be, the second image is to be seen with a red filter covering it, to reveal a word. I have used the reds and the emotions of anger and love contrastingly, the word revealed is in green and is the word 'positive' which is obvious with the red filter.

Self Elected Project: Communicating with Colour, Type Experiments

I have experimented here with using coloured type to produce different colours, similar to how the colours CMYK make up and image when printed, the type is in yellow and cyan and creates a green colour inbetween.

Self Elected Project: Communicating with Colour, CMYK Printing

I studied CMYK printing and the layers of each colour when printed, here are examples of the 4 separate colours Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black and the original photo.

Self Elected Project: Communicating with Colour, Initial Poster Experiments

Initially I began experimenting with hows colours effect each other and how colours appear to look a different colour next to other colours, here are a few examples of colours that effect each other.

Self Elected Project: Communicating with Colour

Field Of Study:

I am fascinated with colour. I love how it surrounds us constantly and how there are so many different colours and shades of colours. I am interested in how colours make us feel and think and effect us, and what makes us choose our ‘favourite’ colour. I also like studying the use of colour by companies, advertising, artists, designers, fashion designers etc.


I want to specifically look into semiotics of colour and its use as a communicator within society and even between animals and nature. I think it’s interesting how we automatically assume green is go and red is stop, what started this idea? And why?

Research Methods:

I want to carry out a lot of primary research by asking individuals about their thoughts on colour and gain whether it varies to the type of person they are, I also want to research with use of colour, by my first hand viewing and what my personal thoughts are. I want to research movements within art such as modernism and the Bauhaus and I also want to research artists such as Josef Albers, Yohannas Hitton, Barnett Newman, Paul Klee, and many more who all studied and focused a lot of their work on colour use. I want to read books and watch videos and documentaries, anything I can use to find out about colour.

Friday, 21 May 2010

Group Promotion and Identity Project - Promotional Pack

Promotional items in the 'MIX box' included a notepad, pencils, business cards, a calendar, stickers, CD in a case, complimentary 'hello' letter and t-shirts. we hoped there would be something for everyone.

Group Promotion and Identity Project - T-shirt designs

Here are examples of our t-shirt designs

Group Promotion and Identity Project - Calendar Design

Here are some examples of the calendar I produced

Group Promotion and Identity Project

For this project I worked in a team to create an identity for our fictional company. We produced promotional items and here are some examples of promotional items we imagined handing to possible clients. Our company was called mix and our identity was a logo that was transparent and could have a variety of textures and colour within, encompassing this idea of mix.

Website Grabs Play2Create

This is a website I produced on flash to represent the narrative of the film Deja Vu. The website follows the film’s storyline of time travel, the user has the option of choosing to go backwards in the site and ‘solve the crime’ or not to, but they must find a way out in the end.

Design Authorship

This project asked what I as a designer wanted to bring to the world, my answer was a range of posters that created a positive attitude within society. Using positive quotes from famous people.